March 15, 2025 at 14:30 on Embassy of Russia (Rua Visconde de Santarém 71, Lisboa) there will be a 🙋 102th Weekly protest

🙋 87th Weekly protest

November 30, 2024 ⏱ 14:30
Embassy of Russia, 📍 Rua Visconde de Santarém 71, Lisboa

The Holodomor of 1932-1933.

Grain exports in the 1930s made up 20% of the USSR's foreign exchange earnings.

In 1930, Ukrainian peasants were deprived of 30% of their harvested grain, 38% was taken in the North Caucasus, and by 1931, nearly half was confiscated. In Kazakhstan, cattle were seized instead of grain. Regions such as the Volga, the Urals, Siberia, and the Central Chernozem area also suffered, though potatoes and onions were left for the peasants. In 1932, a less fruitful year, quotas were raised by a third. Collective farms that failed to meet quotas saw all grain, including seeds and household food supplies, confiscated. This famine affected areas with populations totaling 30-50 million people.

Under the Tsarist regime, famine-stricken individuals could flee to other regions. Under Stalin, blocking detachments were deployed to prevent peasants from leaving collective farms. Over four years, including the famine period, Stalin exported 13 million tons of grain. Refusing grain exports could have saved 25-30 million lives, but the peasants were scapegoated.

The West was aware of the famine in Soviet Ukraine. There were efforts to aid the starving, but the Soviet Union refused assistance.

Eyewitness Anna Domanskaya recalled on Deuche Welle: "My aunt brought some flour, diluted it with water, and we drank this water."

In a documentary on Suspilne Kultura, Grandma Ksenia recounted: "In '33, the hunger was so severe here that there were people who ate their own children."

For some villagers, particularly the rural poor, participating in forced collectivization and robberies offered social advancement. Others joined to avoid being targeted themselves.

To seize grain, Stalin needed to dismantle private ownership and turn everyone into collective farm laborers from whom the state could take unlimited amounts. 1.5 million people were dispossessed, with 850,000 forcibly resettled.

The number of Holodomor victims remains contested, ranging from 3 to 16 million Ukrainians.

The Ukrainian National Book of Remembrance for Holodomor Victims contains 882,510 names and continues to be updated.

Millions died in other regions as well. According to the census data in the USSR in 1937, there were 9 million fewer people, compared to 1926. Stalin shot the census takers as public enemies.

For decades, the USSR prohibited public remembrance of Holodomor victims. At a 1951 memorial rally in New York, Raphael Lemkin, a Yale University professor and the author of the legal term "genocide," called the USSR’s actions against Ukrainians "a classic example of genocide."

On December 9, 1948, the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

Many countries and international organizations have since recognized the Holodomor as genocide.

In Russia, a recent history textbook has removed any portrayal of the Stalinist regime as criminal.

History repeats itself: evidence from Bucha and Irpin echoes the actions of Soviet authorities.

In 1991, Russia passed the Law on the Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repression, but efforts to rehabilitate dispossessed victims remain inconsistent. In 2008, the Russian State Duma acknowledged the connection between famine and forced collectivization. However, the majority of those responsible for the crimes of the communist regime have escaped punishment.

To avoid repeating past mistakes, regime change in Russia must include lustration of Putin’s security services, the opening of Soviet and modern archives, thorough investigations, and public trials of perpetrators. Public awareness campaigns, memorials to victims, and penalties for future attempts at repressive laws are also crucial. Condemning the actions of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union can justify revisiting repressive measures against armed resistance to the communist regime and affirming the right to rebellion.

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< 🙋 86th Weekly protest 🙋 88th Weekly protest >